A Reparations Victory!
Asheville NC City Council Passes Reparations Bill – National Webinar Sunday, July 26, 2020 at 5:30pm (EST).
Zoom Webinar Address:https://bit.ly/2D23HSU
Also watch on Facebook at: December12thMovementZTourzinfo
Guest speakers:
Council Members Sheneika Smith and Keith Young
of the City of Asheville, North Carolina
NYS Assembly Member Charles Barron
Loretta Vaugn, December 12th Movement
Sponsored by the December 12th Movement
Asheville Headlines
City council in Asheville, North Carolina, unanimously approves reparation plan
by IVAN PEREIRA, abcnews.go.com
July 15, 2020 05:07 PM
July 15, 2020 05:07 PM
Asheville, N.C., City Council Backs Reparations For Blacks Through Investment
In historic move, North Carolina city approves reparations for Black residents
by Joel Burgess, usatoday.com
‘The timing is right for reparations’: Cities propose reparations amid nationwide unrest
North Carolina city votes to approve reparations for Black residents
Updated 8:36 PM EDT July 15, 2020
7:00 am EDT Jul. 21, 2020
North Carolina City Approves Reparations for Black Residents
Asheville, N.C., Approves Steps Toward Reparations For Black Residents
July 15, 202011:22 PM ET. NPR
North Carolina’s Asheville unanimously approves reparations for slavery
Asheville city council approves reparations plan as Providence explores idea