Malcolm X Speaks – Live Virtual Facebook Event – on Malcolm X Commemoration Committee Facebook page – 7pm – 9:30pm.
Info: or 718-398-1766
Malcolm X @ 95
On Tuesday, May 19, 2020, the December 12th Movement will honor the 95th birthday of our Black hero Malcolm X, in the streets of Harlem, NY with a “Black Power Motorcade” from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
For the past 30 years the December 12th Movement has annually held the Black Power march and rally, which shut down all business along the 125th Street corridor. The current COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown of New York City will not stop the commemoration of Malcolm’s legacy.
Omowale Clay, spokesman for the D12 said, “Now, more than ever, we must stay the course. Our community has borne the brunt of this pandemic in the United States. We must be self-determining and creative in exercising our ability to communicate among ourselves under current conditions. The Black Power Motorcade is a way we can maintain a presence in the streets of Harlem and focus on the tremendous issue of health care and the quality of life of Black people. Malcolm X taught us that we must fight for our human rights. The key issue facing our people is health care as a human right. Single payer health care must be a principal demand for Black people in the U.S.”
Clay ended by asking for “the Black community across the tri-state area to show its love of Malcolm by posting a Malcolm X poster in their windows. You can download a copy at no cost on our website,” Poster Link: MALCOLM X 2020
That evening join the “Malcolm X Speaks in the 21st Century” virtual event, moderated by Bro. Zayid Muhammad for the Malcolm X Commemoration Committee, Organization of Afro American Unity (OAAU) and the Sons of Africa. Invited panelists include Viola Plummer, Chairperson of the December 12th Movement and Prof. James Smalls, an original member of the OAAU. The virtual event themed “Beyond COVID-19 & Chickens Coming Home to Roost” will be conducted on the Malcolm X Commemoration Committee Facebook page from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.