Elombe Brath Foundation
– Endorsees (list in progress)
Elombe Brath Book Launch
The December 12th Movement and The Elombe Brath Foundation present an evening with Elombe.
Listen to audio of discussion.
Be among the first people to get the Elombe Brath Selected Writings and Essays book before its official release on July 27, 2018.
Editor Herb Boyd will discuss the book with Elombe’s son Cinque and other members of the Elombe Brath Foundation at the first unveiling of the book as it explores Africa, The Caribbean, The United States, Pan Africanism and Marcus Garvey.
The Book Launch will take place on Friday, July 13, 2018, at 6 pm at Sistas’ Place, 456 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn, NY. Take the A/C trains to Nostrand Ave. stop. See map/get directions. Call (718) 398-1766 for more information.